7 things you should know before getting a boob job

Many women decide to get a boob job (also known as breast implant surgery or augmentation mammoplasty) to boost their self-confidence. As a matter of fact, this cosmetic procedure is one of the most frequently performed surgeries worldwide. Simply put, a boob job involves adjusting the shape and size of your breasts using implants. This…

Body contouring after weight-loss surgery: Your options

Weight-loss surgery is an umbrella term for a series of procedures that aim to help patients lose weight, e.g.gastric sleeve,gastric bypass, or SASI-S. These procedures have helped many individuals take back control of their health and well-being. Losing a massive amount of weight may cause the skin to sag; this happens because once the skin…

What is a mummy makeover?

What is a mummy makeover? Many women are faced with profound changes in their bodies after pregnancy, and sometimes diet and physical exercise are not enough to regain the desired body shape. The areas of the body that are typically most affected are the abdomen, with the appearance of stretch marks and loss of muscle…

How to choose the right tummy tuck procedure for you

How to choose the right tummy tuck procedure for you A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery operation that aims to remove adipose tissue and excess skin; it serves to improve the appearance of the abdomen, but is not a treatment for body weight control. Abdominoplasty is indicated for women who have been…

Breast reshaping after weight-loss surgery

Weight-loss surgery, or bariatric surgery, comprises a series of procedures that can help individuals with obesity lose weight. With the right lifestyle changes and new healthy habits, weight-loss surgery can be very effective, helping patients lose weight fast. After patients lose a massive amount of weight, they might have saggy, loose skin in different parts…

Plastic surgery after weight-loss surgery: Your options

Weight-loss surgery includes a series of procedures that help patients start a journey towards a healthier life. When patients lose a great amount of their body weight, they might experience overhanging, loose skin that can also cause hygiene issues and discomfort. Your quality of life may be impacted and you may not be able to…

Arm lift: Pre- and post-op guidelines

Are you planning or considering an arm lift procedure? Chances are that your doctor has already explained what precautions you should take before surgery and what you should expect after the procedure is done. Just like any surgical procedure, following the guidelines provided by your doctor before and after an arm lift is crucial to…

Arm lift (Brachioplasty) FAQ: We answer your questions

Weight fluctuations or natural ageing can cause flabby arms, sagging skin or excess fat. Arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to reshape the under portion of your upper arm from the underarm region until your elbow. Exercise can improve muscle tone but it can’t tighten loose skin. An arm lift procedure…