specialist rehabilitation

Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

…15 Mon – Fri 8:00 – 19:00 Saturday 9:00 – 13:00 OMEGA Imaging Diagnostic Center +48 75 645 20 20 Mon – Fri 8:00 – 19:00 Saturday 9:00 – 13:00…

Spinal surgery reviews

Table of content: Sean’s story Joseph’s story Sean’s story – Dynamic stabilisation with Medtronic DIAM flexible implant KCM: How are you, Mr. Sean Bowyer? Sean: Doing well. KCM: Yes. How…

Dental reviews

…I’ve received here compared to the UK, I reckon it’s 10 times better. It really is. I feel so comfortable. I’m here at the Palace on the Water. It’s so…

…the Ulm University in Germany. Management of Research Project Head of already completed research programme regarding genetic diagnostic of articular manifestions in patients with Lyme disease. Head of already completed…