Children’s dentistry

…this visit, the dentist, usually in the form of play, tames the child with dental equipment. Thanks to this, the office becomes for him a place associated with fun and…

Prices – Laparoscopic hernia operations

…Our priority is to provide the patient with the highest class medical care based on their individual needs and expectations. Every Patient is different and requires careful planning of the…

Snoring treatment RAVOR

…the throat. The RAVOR snoring treatment method is a technique that allows you to raise and increase stiffness, among others soft palate. The effect of this treatment is to reduce…

Signs You May Need a Hip Replacement

Signs You May Need a Hip Replacement

…guidance, and discuss the potential benefits of hip replacement surgery tailored to your unique needs. References Contact our cooridnator for more information Call us Hip Replacement Surgery…

Prices – Gynecological Department

…the possibility to pay for a procedure in the instalment system through MEDIRATY, a company financing medical procedures. The website you are visiting is for information purposes only. Information contained…



formalities related to admission to the hospital (ID card, valid insurance card, in the case of retirees and pensioners, a pensioner card if it is necessary to issue a form…