…the Ulm University in Germany. Management of Research Project Head of already completed research programme regarding genetic diagnostic of articular manifestions in patients with Lyme disease. Head of already completed…

Diagnostic Block

…the diagnostic information becomes useless and subsequent treatments are less likely to be effective. CONTACT US Name Phone number By completing the form, I agree with Privacy Policy and the…

Dental reviews

…I’ve received here compared to the UK, I reckon it’s 10 times better. It really is. I feel so comfortable. I’m here at the Palace on the Water. It’s so…

Spinal surgery reviews

…for something economical and something somewhat professional. And so I just started looking on the internet through medical tourism companies. I tried a whole bunch. I originally tried one. I…

specialist rehabilitation

Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

…rehabilitation services using modern equipment, based on comprehensive specialised diagnostics under the care of rehabilitation therapists and specialist doctors: Physical therapy: Radial shock wave Local cryotherapy Biotron lamp irradiation Local…