A perfect smile in an hour?
Yes! With the KCM Clinic, this is possible!
Welcome to our dental clinic, where we offer professional teeth-whitening treatments that guarantee impressive results!
The Lydenti method we use is synonymous with excellence in the area of teeth whitening. The highest standard of whitening can produce fantastic results for all people with teeth discoloration due to smoking, consuming coloring agents, or drinking beverages. Our professional teeth-whitening treatment is the most effective way to restore a beautiful smile.
How’s the procedure going?
Our experienced dental hygienist, Mrs. Marta Szpilewska-Długosz, first applies a thin layer of special teeth-whitening material and then accelerates the teeth-whitening process using a modern lamp. All this is done during an hour’s visit to our dental office, and the effects are stunning! The color of the teeth can be brightened up by up to 5 to 14 shades!