Ewelina Atłas, MSN
Specialist in surgical nursing

Ewelina Atłas Ewelina Atłas belongs to the Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery Team.

Zuzanna Bereszczuk
Head of Sterilization Department

Zuzanna Bereszczuk Zuzanna Bereszczuk is a specialist in sterilization of medical instruments.

Dorota Krzych

Dorota Krzych Dorota Krzych is a member of the Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery Team.

Marlena Piekarz, BSN
Specialist in surgical nursing

Marlena Piekarz Marlena Piekarz belongs to the team of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.

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Lek. med. Teresa Janowska – Anesthesiologist

Lek. med. Teresa Janowska – Anesthesiologist MD Teresa Janowska is an anesthesiologist. Email: rejestracja@kcmclinic.plTelefon: 75 645 20 00

Agata Mirek, MSN
Specialist in surgical nursing

Mgr Agata Mirek – Ward nurse Agata Mirek, M.Sc., is a ward nurse, belongs to the Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery Team.

Anna Stawińska, MSN
Head Nurse
Specialist in surgical nursing
Epidemiology specialist

Mgr Anna Stawińska – Chief nurse Anna Stawińska, M.Sc., is a head nurse, she belongs to the Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery Team.

Lek. dent. Dominika Kopciuch

Lek. dent. Dominika Kopciuch Dominika Kopciuch, a dentist, specializes in conservative dentistry with endodontics and dental surgery. The doctor also has experience in the field of orthodontics. He performs dental procedures under general anesthesia and inhalation sedation. Diseases treated: dental surgery extraction (simple and complicated) extraction of retained eights making crowns, bridges, dentures root canal…

Mgr Katarzyna Dera-Szymczak A certified psychologist with a degree from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, with over 20 years of experience, including post-graduate studies in the field of tylfopedagogy, a certificate of systemic psychotherapist, the title of Trainer of Aggression Replacement Training. Additional information: Cooperates with psychological and pedagogical counselling centres, addiction treatment centres,…

Lek. med. Marcin Olender

Lek. med. Marcin Olender Lek. med. Marcin Olender is a specialist in general surgery. In addition, he is the operator of the gastroscopy and colonoscopy laboratory at KCM Clinic. Diseases treated: surgical diseases gastrointestinal diseases Email: rejestracja@kcmclinic.plTelefon: 75 645 20 00 Send Request Choose a topicObesity TreatmentBreast SurgeryFace and Neck SurgeryBody SurgerySpine SurgeryDental Clinic KCMGynecologyOrthopedicsUrologyOphthalmologyMagnetic…