Lek. med. Piotr Kwiatuszewski is a specialist in pediatric surgery.
The doctor admits patients as part of specialist consultations and is the operator of the Children’s Surgery Department of the KCM Clinic, where he performs a number of procedures, ranging from hernia surgery to urological procedures, such as cryptorchidism or phimosis.
Doctor Kwiatuszewski is appreciated for his great care, kindness, understanding, professionalism and the right approach to patients, which is especially important in the case of children.
Diseases treated:
- hernia
- surgical diseases
- skin changes
- scars
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Visits, hospital procedures
Bariatric Surgery Center
Plastic Surgery Center
Spine Surgery Center
Dental Clinic
OMEGA Imaging Diagnostic Center
Work hours
KCM Clinic Wrocław
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KCM Clinic Wrocław