Lek. med. Marta Wilczyńska - Staniul

Lek. med. Marta Wilczyńska – Staniul is an outstanding specialist in plastic surgery. He has been dealing with plastic surgery since 1999. She has gained experience in her specialization and is still gaining it at home and abroad.

Diseases treated:

  • gynecomastia
  • wrinkles
  • skin changes
  • tattoos
  • birthmarks
  • cosmetic defects
  • excess body fat
  • nasal deformities
  • small breasts
  • big breasts
  • sagging breasts
  • no breast after mastectomy
  • protruding ears
  • drooping eyelids
  • abdominal distortion
  • excess skin after intensive weight loss

+48 75 645 20 00

Jelenia Góra

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    Visits, hospital procedures

    Bariatric Surgery Center

    Plastic Surgery Center

    Spine Surgery Center

    Dental Clinic

    OMEGA Imaging Diagnostic Center

    • Online registration Jelenia Góra

    Work hours

    • Mon - Fri 7:30 - 21:00
    • Saturday 7:30 - 18:00

    KCM Clinic Wrocław

    • Open by appointment

    Chat KCM Clinic

    • Mon - Fri 8:00 - 19:00


    KCM Clinic Jelenia Góra

    • ul. Bankowa 5-7 58-500 Jelenia Góra

    KCM Clinic Wrocław

    • ul. Krucza 2A 53-406 Wrocław
