A graduate dietitian with a degree from the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. She has gained experience in the field of dietetics by working in both hospital branches and dietetic offices in collaboration with the National Health Service (NHS).
She specializes in:
- Metabolic diseases: Type II diabetes and insulin resistance
- Bariatric Surgery: She works with patients who are preparing for bariatric surgery and with people after such operations. She offers an individual approach and support, helping patients maintain a healthy body weight
- Blood system diseases: dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis
- Autoimmune diseases: Hashimoto and celiac disease
- Diseases of the Digestive System: IBS, IMO, and SIBOShe cooperates with the Foundation of the Karkonoski Sejmik of Persons with Disabilities, where she provides dietary advice. She believes that healthy eating affects all aspects of our lives and is able to reverse or inhibit the development of many diseases.
KCM Clinic also takes care of patients participating in the Allurion Program – a non-invasive method of treatment of overweight and obesity.
Lek. med. Tomasz Gede wykonuje zabiegi z zakresu:
- Endoskopowe operacje pęcherza i moczowodów
- Endoskopowe operacje prostaty
- Laserowe operacje prostaty
- Laserowe usuwanie kamieni moczowych
- Laparoskopowe operacje nerek
- Laparoskopowe operacje prostaty
- Operacje i protezy prącia
- Operacje moszny i jąder
- Operacje w nietrzymaniu moczu
- Leczenie pęcherza toksyną botulinową
- Cystoskopia w znieczuleniu
- Biopsja prostaty