Diagnostic Nerve Block

Diagnostic nerve blocks are performed to confirm information about the source of a patient’s pain.
Blocks involve the precise placement of local anesthetic or numbing medication in or near the presumed painful structure such as the zygapophyseal or facet joints or spinal nerve. During the diagnostic block procedure, a small amount of local anesthetic is injected into the anatomy structure to confirm whether this structure is the pain generator. The result is considered positive if the pain gets 80% weaker after an injection.
The patient’s pain is assessed both before and after the procedure and inferences can be made regarding the “pain generator” or exact structure causing the pain. Only when a definitive diagnosis of the pain generator is made your doctor can make more appropriate recommendations for treatment of the painful condition and offer a prognosis for improvement.
At KCM Clinic we are highly skilled in the performance of these diagnostic blocks. If not performed in a precise and accurate manner, the diagnostic information becomes useless and subsequent treatments are less likely to be effective.


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    The diagnostic nerve block is one of the effective treatments for back pain. An agent with strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties is administered as an injection under X-ray control to inhibit inflammation in the area of irritated tissues.

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      KCM Clinic Jelenia Góra

      • ul. Bankowa 5-7 58-500 Jelenia Góra

      KCM Clinic Wrocław

      • ul. Krucza 2A 53-406 Wrocław
