Lek. dent. Dominika Kopciuch
Dominika Kopciuch, a dentist, specializes in conservative dentistry with endodontics and dental surgery. The doctor also has experience in the field of orthodontics. He performs dental procedures under general anesthesia and inhalation sedation.
Diseases treated:
- dental surgery
- extraction (simple and complicated)
- extraction of retained eights
- making crowns, bridges, dentures
- root canal treatment – microscopic endodontics
- apex resection
- alweoplastyka
- bone argumentation
- treated caries
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Visits, hospital procedures
Bariatric Surgery Center
Plastic Surgery Center
Spine Surgery Center
Dental Clinic
OMEGA Imaging Diagnostic Center
Work hours
KCM Clinic Wrocław
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KCM Clinic Jelenia Góra
KCM Clinic Wrocław