Doctor Arkadiusz Granek is an orthopedic specialist with over 20 years of experience in managing human resources in clinical and research work. His field of expertise is regenerative and minimally invasive medicine – especially endoscopy of the lumbar spine. Researcher in the physiology of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system.
Medical researcher mostly focused on research related to the physiology of motor organs and peripheral and central neurological system.
Work Experience
Currently Head of Orthopaedic Ward at The Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs located in Kielce (Poland) – annually performs nearly (approximately) 120 fully endoscopic spinal surgeries.
The Chief of Orthopaedic and Trauma Ward at Saint Alexander Hospital in Kielce– from 02.2017 until 30.09.2019.
The main initiator and creator of Orthopaedic and Trauma Ward at Saint Alexander Hospital in Kielce. During the period of collaborating with this ward, starting from February of 2017 approximately 2500 of major surgeries has been performed by the hospital team, including also major spinal trauma-related surgeries.
Within the period of holding the position of The Chief of Orthopaedic and Trauma Ward at Saint Alexander Hospital in Kielce has introduced numerous highly innovative methods of operative treatment in the region, such as: percutaneous foot surgeries, endoscopic spinal treatments, spinal ablation, percutaneous interpedicular spinal stabilization surgeries.
The Head of The Operating Theater at the Murcki Hospital in Katowice (Poland) from 2005 to 2012.
Upon request of The Municipial Office of Katowice carried out the modernization of the medical equipment used in the operating theater, providing it with at that time absolutely unique surgical tools.
A graduate of post-degree studies in medical law at the Department of Law at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
Academic career
The Assitant of the Faculty and Chair of Physiology at Silesian Medical University – conducting classes with second year students of Medical and Nursing Departments
MD Phd in the field of Neurophysiology with distinction under supervision of full professor Joanny Lewin – Kowalik.
Founder and manager of Artmedik’s Biomechanics Laboratory in Kielce.
Medical research team associate of the Faculty of Biomechanics at the Biomedical Department of the Technical University of Silesia in Gliwice under supervision of full professor Marka Gzika.
Medical research team associate of the Faculty of Tribology at the Świętokrzyski Technical University under supervision of dr.hab. Moniki Madej.
The course participant at the Institute of Biomechanics at the Ulm University in Germany.
Management of Research Project
Head of already completed research programme regarding genetic diagnostic of articular manifestions in patients with Lyme disease.
Head of already completed research programme concerning Dual Energy Computer Tomography (DECT) and biomechanics in patients with osteporosis.
Assisting final thesis supervisor of Phd medical studies for MD Phd Michał Rżany – Phd candidate at the Medical Department of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice- final thesis in the field of peripherial nerves neurophisiology. Defence of the final thesis completed on 01.2019, passed with distinction.
Currently a member of medical research team at the Laboratory of Elastography and Ultrasonography of Motor Organs affiliated with the University of Physical Education of Jerzy Kukuczka in Katowice.
Currently doing a residency in anaesthesiology and intensive care.